Sunday, May 24, 2020

My Personal View On Culture - 1038 Words

Over the past few thousand years there have been many different perceptions of what the term Culture means. There are thousands of different cultures in the world, that’s what makes things fun and interesting. I’m aware some individuals would argue that books are the most accurate source I can find. However, in this situation you and I are the living definitions of culture, what it means to us, and the role it plays in our lives on a daily basis. Just knowing that makes you and I the most credible source obtaining knowledge on the definition culture. Culture is not only about showing diversity, disagreements, and agreements; culture to me is our way of life. Today I will be talking about my understanding of culture, my experiences pertaining to culture, and my partner’s cultural views and experiences. My personal view on culture may vary from others. The definition of culture in a text book as â€Å"a learned system thought and behavior that belongs to and typif ies a relatively large group of people: it is the composite of their shared beliefs, values, and practices.† (O’Hair, Wiemann, Mullin, Teven, 2015) However, when I sit down and think of all the repetitive definitions of culture, I think of all the characteristics that make me who I am. My own personal definition is all the building blocks in life that make up my personality, likes and dislikes, and my attitude. When I say the word building blocks I mean co-cultures such as religion, race, gender, and there are manyShow MoreRelatedAn Indian Father s Plea Essay963 Words   |  4 PagesHelena Wood 10/2016 Period:4 ELM 2 Do you think that your culture impacts your decisions more than your personal opinion does? Or maybe that your culture has nothing to do with your viewpoint? There is a lot of controversy on this topic. 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