Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Actor-Network Theory in Information Systems Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of star, bus, and mesh physical topologies. Provide real examples of each type. 2.Explain Encapsulation and Decapsulation in a five layer TCP/IP Protocol Suite. 3.Calculate the approximate bit rate and signal level(s) for a 6.8 MHz bandwidth system with a signal to noise ratio of 132. 4.Explain why the OSI Model is better than the TCP/IP model. 5.What is the total delay (latency) for a frame of size 5 million bits that is being sent on a link with 10 routers each having a queuing time of 3.5 s and a processing time of 1.8 s. 6.According to RFC1939, a POP3 session is one of the following states: closed, authorization, transaction or update. Draw a diagram and explain to show these four states and how POP3 moves between them. Answers: 1.The advantages and disadvantages of star, bus and mesh topologies are discussed below: Advantages Disadvantages Star topologies As appeared differently in relation to the Bus topology it gives far superior execution. The signals not really get exchanged to each workstation. The execution of the framework depends on the capacity of the central hub. It is simple to join the new nodes or the devices (Zhang Papachristodoulou, 2013). It requires more cable than the other topologies. As the switch, concentrator or the hub gets fizzled, the appended nodes are crippled. Bus Topologies It works outstandingly as there is a small framework. It is the most straightforward framework topology for interfacing the computers or the peripherals directly. It requires less cable length than star topologies. It is difficult to perceive the issues if the whole framework breaks down. It is hard to research each and every issue. It works poor for colossal systems (Cerutti et al., 2015). Mesh Topologies Data could be exchanged from different gadgets concurrently. The topology tolerates high congestion of traffic. Indeed, even if one of the parts fails to execute, there are different alternatives also (Ren et al., 2013). So data transformation is not affected. There have been large extents of repetition in different network associations. General cost of this framework is unreasonably high when appeared differently in relation to different topologies. 2.Encapsulation: The data encapsulation, is the approach where the detailed implementation of the class is hidden from the client. The client can just play out a limited arrangement of operations on the shrouded class members. This is done through particular functions, known as the methods. Decapsulation: Decapsulation is the way toward opening up of the encapsulated information. These have been typically sent as packets on a network. It is characterized as the way toward opening the capsule alluding to the encapsulated data. Multiplexing is the arrangement of techniques permitting the synchronous communication of some signals transversely over any single data connection (Patel et al., 2014). In the demultiplexing the channels has been used for breaking up the signals into the vital portions of the signals. The "demultiplexing" and "multiplexing" methods have been regularly involved with the fragmentation of the data signals (Fontaine, 2013). In the same manner, the "encapsulation" and the "decapsulation" procedures have been essentially related with data security. 3.Given- bandwidth W = 6.8 MHz The Signal to noise ratio (SNR) or R= 132 Let the bit rate be B. B=W log (1+R) =6.8x106 log2 (1+132) = 6.8x106 log2 133 = 48 Mbps. Let, number of signals= N. B = 2 * W * log2 (N) = 48= 2*6.8*log2 N = log2 N= = log2 N= 3.56 4 (approximately) = N = 24= 16. Answer: The required bit rate = 48 Mbps Signal level = 16. 4.The amount of layers of OSI models display has been more than that of the TCP/IP models. Thusly, the OSI show conveys better value and significant number of decisions than the TCP/IP. TCP/IP framework has been picked as the more proper option. This is on account that the execution of TCP/IP more sensible for real world implementation (Bora et al., 2014). The usefulness of the system has been more effective than the other alternate models. The primary weakness is that the model is exceptionally hard to implement. The OSI model has been more effective than others. However, it is very hard to implement (Alani, 2014). The TCP/IP on the other hand is easy to implement. Despite this, it performs slowly and is does not deliver good security 5.Frame Size or F = 5 million of bits. [given] Transmission Time = 5 x 106 /8 mS = 62500 =0.625 seconds Propagation Speed= S = 2.2x 108 m/s Bandwidth = 8 x 106 bps Link length L = 1900 km = 1900 x 103 m. Queuing Time= (10 x 3.5) mS = 35 mS. Processing Delay = (1.8 x 10) mS = 18 mS. Propagation Time = (1900 * 103 / 2.2* 108) uS = 8 uS The overall Delay Time = (35 + 18 + .08 + 62500) = 62551.08mS = 0.63 sec Answer: The total delay time = 0.63 seconds. Here, the transmission delay has been dominant component. Here, the propagation time has been negligible component. 6. Figure: The 4 States of POP3 Session (Source: Alexander, 2014) There are four states in the POP 3 protocols: Authorization: This is established when the connection is done. Transaction: Here, the transactions have been performed over authorized connections. Update: Transactions are upgraded here. Closed: When all the transaction is upgraded, POP 3 is closed. References: Alani, M. M. (2014). Tcp/ip model. InGuide to OSI and TCP/IP models(pp. 19-50). 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